Monday, 10 April 2017

Nick Williams RIP

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We are saddened to lose such a key part of the life of our church family, in the death of Nick Williams. Nick has been a part of the life of St Peter-in-the-Forest since 1988.

A Requiem Mass for Nick will be offered at St Peter's on Tuesday 25 April 2017, commencing at 12.00pm. Expect lots of singing and scripture, and lots of very 'full fig Catholic' ritual, as per Nick's wishes! This service is likely to last approaching two hours.
Burial of Nick's body will follow, in the woodland at the City of London Cemetery, at 2.30pm.
Finally, we will host afternoon tea and refreshments in the parish church building, through the afternoon.

At Nick's request, no flowers, please, but generous donations welcome towards the ongoing work of St Peter's, which Nick so loved...

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