Thursday, 14 February 2013

Sunday next before Lent pewsheet

Today’s Eucharistic Prayer F
Colour: Green

Welcome to the Church of St-Peter-in- the-Forest

Sunday next before Lent

Parish Eucharist with Holy Baptism

Presiding and preaching today is Fr Paul Trathen

10th February 2013


Our welcomers today are John and Lesley James

A very warm welcome to the family and friends of Patrick and Samuel who are here today to be baptised.

The ORDER OF SERVICE can be found on page 3 of the Church Service Book




To God be the glory!

*** Rocks now go to their room – leading today is Anita ***






Almighty Father,
whose Son was revealed in majesty
before he suffered death upon the cross:
give us grace to perceive his glory,
that we may be strengthened to suffer with him
and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

We sit for the first two readings




Exodus 34: 29-35 (page 89) Read by Liz Jarvis

2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 (page 1095) Read by Peter Shrubsole
For I’m building a people of power
Luke 9:28-43 (page 982) Read by Fr Paul Trathen

Reader   Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke
All sing   Glory to you, O Lord.

Reader   This is the Gospel of the Lord.
All sing    Praise to you, O Christ.

SERMON – by Fr Paul Trathen

BAPTISM of Patrick and Samuel (service book page 31)

INTERCESSIONS (led by Sue Diplock)

THE PEACE – page 8 of the service books



Just as I am, without one plea

During the offertory hymn, a collection will be taken. 
If you would like information on how to gift-aid your donation, please see Peter Shrubsole after the service.  Information on setting up standing orders is also available from Peter.

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER F (Service Book page 20)

Adults who are baptized and children who’ve received preparation are welcome to receive communion. If you do not receive communion, please feel free to go forward for a blessing. 

COMMUNION HYMN   398               Oh, the love of my Lord


Holy God,
we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ:
may we who are partakers at his table
reflect his life in word and deed,
that all the world may know
his power to change and save.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.




There’s a wideness in God’s mercy

Giving of lighted candles (Service book page 30)


Please stay after the service, to have a cup of coffee, tea or juice, and a biscuit, and chat with other people.  Our coffee, tea, sugar and biscuits are all fair-trade products.  Serving coffee today are Tom and Katherine Marshall

Prayers – this week please pray for:

Barbara & Stan Eager                      Rita & Colin Reid               Beryl Goodwin 
Lily Bollen                                            Ray Hepburn                      Les Hobart         
George and Phyllis Robbins         Richard Fayolle                  Michael Bailey
Fred Lennard                                     James Paul                          Pat Chapman    
Sally Johnson                                     Richard, Debbie, Claire and Grace Mainwaring

Brenda’s Traidcraft Stall
Valentine’s Day – you still have a few days to buy your loved one something.  Come on over and see if the chocolate we stock is what they’re after!

Next Week:
17th February 2013
First Sunday in Lent –
Parish Eucharist with prayers of healing

Marian Bradley
Bridget Gibbs

John James
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Sarah Collins
Romans 10:8b-13

Marian Bradley
Ken Bradley

Anne Smith
Sue Diplock

Coffee will be served in Peterhouse next week following the service, so we can start the APCM promptly at 12.00 noon.

We would like to try out a sort of ‘mentoring’ system for our young people.  What we need are willing adults volunteering to have a young person come and sit with them, either when they come in from Rocks, or during the All Age Services.  What is expected of you?  Help your ‘charge’ engage in and follow the service.  [Note the very helpful guide to Holy Communion on the book rack in the porch.]  We hope this will not only enable all ages to get more out of the services, but also allow better interaction between the ages in our congregation.  If you are interested, please speak to Sarah. 

If you use the envelope scheme in your giving, please come and collect your new batch of envelopes.  If you don’t use this scheme currently, but would like to, there are spare envelopes, so please see Sarah!

On Ash Wednesday (13th February) there will be two Eucharist services with imposition of ashes.  One will be at 9.30 am and the other at 7.30 pm.  Please do think about getting off to a good start in Lent by coming to either of these services.

Nomination forms are available for two Church Wardens and three PCC members.  Please leave the completed forms (with candidates having been proposed and seconded) at the back of church; these will be gathered up ahead of the APCM (on 17th February).  If there are more nominations than places, elections will take place at the APCM.

If you have any photos of Parish/Church life, send them to Paul or Sarah via email and they will be posted on the parish blog site.

Thank you to those of you who bought a piece of card for your church Christmas card – we raised £17.00 for Traidcraft

There is a file at the back of church which has thank you letters from the charities to whom we donated money last year; please do take a look.

Always remember that you are unique.
Just like everybody else.

Weekday evenings & weekends contact:
The Vicar: Fr Paul Trathen
St Peter’s Vicarage, 121 Forest Rise, E17 3PW
020 8521 5000
(Parish blog)
(Vicar’s blog)
Weekday office hours contact:
The Parish Administrator:
Sarah Collins
Peterhouse Centre
122 Forest Rise, Walthamstow
E17 3PW
020 8509 1811

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